unattended operation

英 [ˌʌnəˈtendɪd ˌɒpəˈreɪʃn] 美 [ˌʌnəˈtendɪd ˌɑːpəˈreɪʃn]

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  1. It works in unattended mode so its operation is fully controlled by the master node ( using Linux).
  2. The damped rotation type level indicator controls material discharging, which features reliable working and unattended machine operation;
  3. It is of protection functions and can achieve unattended operation.
  4. The Signalling System shall adopt Communications Based Train Control ( CBTC) technology and support Unattended Train Operation ( UTO).
  5. For applications that require unattended operation, a "Start At Power Up" function allows the drives to resume running once power is restored after a power outage.
  6. The product are greatly improved in reliability, performance, control, safety protection and appearance etc, basically reaching unattended operation.
  7. Our stand-alone, automatic, production solution that incorporates an unscrambler and accumulator for unattended operation.
  8. Remote control and multiple hosts chain control to realize unattended, high-tech operation;
  9. The operation and management modes reaching international level have been set up. The unattended operation has been realized so that the operators and managerial staffs had been reduced to be 6 persons per MW.
  10. The paper analyses the operating characteristics of urban sewage interception pump station and designs multi-step dispersed unattended pump station to realize remote monitor and operation for urban sewage interception pump station.
  11. The Application of the Large Outdoor Cabinet in the Unattended Operation Radar System
  12. Introduced in the paper are the application of the outdoor cabinet in the unattended operation radar system, and its layout of the electronic equipment inside for the anti-adverse environment purpose based on a cooling system of inside-outside isolation.
  13. Discussion on the Patrol Mode in Unattended Operation Substation
  14. Within several future years, the reservoir regulation automation system will network with the computer supervisory system, MIS and the dam safety monitoring system of the Plant, in order to realize the goals of shared resources, unattended operation and remote monitoring.
  15. To realize the unattended load forecasting mode and to meet the need of electricity market, the closed loop operation mechanism is applied in this system.
  16. The high degree automation and running reliability made unattended operation to realize.
  17. The PLC controlled molecular sieve dryers are fully automatic and can realize unattended and reliable operation.
  18. Telecontrol failures of 10 kV circuit breaker happened frequently at a unattended substation. This article analyses the causes and brings forward the corresponding countermeasures in order to improve the present operation conditions of 10 kV circuit breaker in unattended substations.
  19. The Station was connected with the power system through 2 outgoing loops of 220 kV and 4 outgoing loops of 110 kV. It is designed on the basis of the principle of unattended operation and dispatched by the provincial dispatching center.
  20. Therefore, we are eager to make these work in the case of unattended operation automatically.
  21. Unattended makes use of remote technology, communication technology, network technology and control technology to replace afar on duty from the local duty and substation operation and control can be achieved by the remote control center.
  22. Choose two excellent performance brushless dc motor as unattended operation of intelligent car wheel drive motor to meet the vehicle control requirements.
  23. With the development of unattended substation, design of centralized control station automation system has gradually formed an operation management pattern of power grids, which has been growing emphasis on the promotion and application of electricity enterprise.
  24. The system can realize power supply system of coal mining work face, transportation system, the scene of the unattended and automatic operation.